Monday 11 October 2010

Affiliate Marketing Forums

where the people can vent their frustrations with specific programs. However a close examination of the forums reveals that some of the participants are not really interested in taking the industry to the next level. They are just determined to dish the dirt on the programs that have been less the complimentary about them. They also tend to discourage the new participants with dreadful stories of publishers that are mean. It is very important that the publisher and the administrative body look through these forums. It will give them an insight into the perspectives of the merchants. It is also possible that they might be able to correct some misconceptions about the program. If the participation is handled sensitively then a bad situation might be averted.

The savvy publishers have set up systems that are based on the active participation of the administrator. They will send in a representative that will answer the questions that the merchants put through. That way the problems can be dealt with. If the merchant has already left and they are putting out negative messages about the program, the representative will be able to provide an alternative view of the proceedings. In due course that will make all the difference to the new people that are planning to join the program. They will not be frightened away by the negative images or messages. That is a bonus because the recruitment program will not be hampered by the negativity of some disgruntled merchants.

The publisher cannot control all the issues that pertain to the program but they might work to rationalize the different elements of the program. For example they might decide that this is the time to be proactive in the way that they handle the publicity that relates to the program. They will go out of their way to deal with all the issues that have been raised by the merchants so that they do not end up in a position whereby the concerns that they have raised are not being dealt with by the publisher. This is the balance that is expected of a merchant website or an administrator that is serious about taking the business to the next level. They have to go out and actively promote the product instead of just reacting to the issues.
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